Monday, August 13, 2012

MacGuffin's Curse Part 1: Museum Shenanigans

MacGuffin's Curse is an adventure game by Brawsome. For lack of a title screen you get the file select screen. And we're gonna run this blind!

Well, that looks like a goal to me. Time to get it.

After a really cool comic interlude. We're gonna be a badass serious business thief.

...or this guy who needs to pay his rent. Well I still have faith in Lucas.

The observation stats are high with this one.

We have two current things to do. And I have to say, I like Lucas' categories. It's how my To-do list looks.

Here's a sample of what we get for the rest of the game. Each screen is a maze. Since this is the "figure out how to walk" screen, we don't have any puzzles here.

Absolutely nothing suspicious about this, no sirree.

Lucas has wormed his way up to a top spot on Favorite Video Game Adventurer/Puzzle Solver list for a simple reason. He can swim!

Including this for the sheer "I'm not making this shit up" factor. As a side note, the sign by the exit has some treasure on it.

When we approach the museum door, a creepy guy pops out of his creepy van. Judging from his satellite array he's either A) going to arrest me or B) rant at me about UFOs.

Lucas tries to play it cool, but Mr. Trenchcoat reveals he knows that he knows we're "Magical" MacGuffin- a former magician. Lucas tries to use that as a cover story too.

Mr. Trechcoat turns out to be former cop Strump. And he is a very bitter man. Bitter enough to encourage out bad behavior. Works for me.

 Ancient Egypt? I love Ancient Egypt!

Aw shit. I'd still go in there to spite them but Lucas can't move the giant pile of dry wall because he has noodles for arms.

Now we can do our puzzles. Hitting that button got rid of the lasers by the other button and the safe. You can figure out what the other button does. First let's check out the safe.

Collectables yay!

A question that is yet to be solved.

 Well this is a very simple security simple for our rare artifact.

Really? I hadn't noticed, Strump. Anything else you'd like to add Sherlock?

Strump, I'm sorry I was snippy.

Meet our new mechanic. When we stand in moonlight we can freely transform. Werewolf Lucas has the strength normal Lucas lacks. But those hand prints on the door can only be opened by someone with human hands.

Before we continue on...
I have a score to settle. And by "score" I mean "extra content woot"

The only thing of note in here is the giant door that we won't be able to open in this part. We'll be back for you door.

Thank you, Strump. We won't be needing your present this part, but at least you're aware of Lucas' difficulty.

Another highly-techncial currently unlockable door. This one comes with what I hope is reverse-psychology.

The hardest part of this puzzle is just figuring out this is a window because indoor windows are weird. Turn off the lasers and then you can run around the room freely to transform/get the safe/pull the battery.

Nothing too hard in this room beyond dragging this safe out so you can open it.
 Something tells me if there's a button I should push it. And that I can't put a battery in the water.

And Wolf Lucas can't swim. At least he has a legit reason.

A couple normal puzzles, before...

A wild plot appears!
 Aw, yeah. This is gonna be sweet.
SHIT WHERE'D THE MOON GO! uuhhhh, well let's make a dialogue choice.

Grim is unimpressed with our ability to complain. Change tactics!

Time to kick some ass!
No no I meant me kicking ass, not you kicking my ass!
Well we wake up and we still have our amulet so that's good.

Yay a plan. However, it's Lucas' plan so I expect it to go wrong.
Well we've left the museum. Next time we'll head home to check on Grandma.

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