Monday, November 12, 2012

Lone Survivor Part 3: And I Though My Basement was Scary

Yes, because I'm going to give you presents, Skippy.

In a little while. Besides, you've clearly never seen a survival horror basement if you're just giving in to that idea.
But first...
 We head into this room. Now I want you to guess where this room is.
 It's 205. Right next door. In the room that was locked before.
THE PRECIOUS CAN OPENER WAS IN HERE AND I HAD NO INDICATION THAT THIS ROOM HAD OPENED UP. Yeah, I looked up where it was because I had a feeling I missed it and I did not feel like going through every room. And the article said: "It's easy for first time players to miss." GOLLY GEE YOU THINK.

The only way this could be better is if it was delicious bacon.

So a quick look at the map tells me I missed a room in 204. Might as well check that out while I'm here.

 This is awesome! did you live this long?

 So I went to the bathroom to get more drugs and I noticed this.
We can get water now!

After a quick nap I try to cook the ham. But we need a bigger pot. And Skippy is bad at improvising.

 My first bottle of water. What can I do with it?
Why save our friend Chuck of course. I then refill the bottle so we have some water.
Alright, let's get this show on the road.

 Yeah, that means our way is down. Besides, popular vote was also basement, so give in to peer pressure, Skippy!
You go back to the room...with a fucking huge monster who wants to eat our face. Fuck you, Skippy.

We were just there! Anyway, that box and the letter E are the elevator.

 Skippy has a plan. That may be the scariest thing in the game.
 I bet your basement is at least finished. My basement is stack stone, half of its floor is dirt, and the snakes moved in one year.
 I was going to talk about how stupid this plan is, but really we don't have options.
 Because nothing is ever simple. Ever.
Here goes a terrible plan in action.

 Well, thank you.
Well I hate this already.

 Wait what? You're just telling us where to go? Awesome!
...You're not giving us a map? Oh, fuck.

Well, Skippy considering we only have three, I'm going to sit on these, so keep wondering.

 The first room I find does not have a map, but does have a mirror, so I'll let is slide.
Hey, I learned my lesson.

So I've been bad about showing this, but if you play the game sweep the frequencies. There are different things for what happens in game. And they are creepy. Especially if you imagine someone just whispering these.

Our friend the director has presents!

 Happy Birthday, Skippy.
 Skippy, you learned manners! I am so proud.
 Skippy...are you aware the contents of your backpack?
 Why would that stop you from liking coffee? Hell, if the zompocalypse happened, I'd never stop drinking it. Never sleep again.
 What? What do you mean "before what happened?" Do you NOT see the zombie thingies!?
 I don't get answers ever, do I?
 More prezzies?
 But...but violence is the permanent solution...
 Look, I'm going into a scary as hell basement, I need all the bullets I can get because I don't want them sneaking up on me.
Why thank you, sir.

 Coffee time is all the time!
A short nap later.

Back into hell.

You know how the first floor looked awful. The basement is worse. Though I do have this nagging feeling the basement was kinda like this before the nasties moved in.

 VICTORY! A small victory, but a victory.
Well the one with the lightning pattern and the question mark in front of it I'm guessing the generator room. The one with a question mark in it is closer to us and I'm guessing our first stop. Because nothing is ever simple.

 First, there's a room that was above us on the map. I kill this guy. For the curious, these things in the basement take not 1, not 2, but 3 headshots to die. I was hoping he'd just jump on the ceiling and I could save bullets, but no, he had a death wish.
Oh dear Krong, I'm going to have to fix the generator.

There's a hole in the bottom of the basement. There's a hole in the bottom of the basement. There's a hole, there's a hole, there's a hole in the bottom of the basement. Everybody sing along.

And another nap later. See also I refuse to lose the fuse. Oh Krong, that's terrible.

 There's a giant cavernous hole in the wall just by the generator sign. Take my word for it.
And now we are in this hallway. The geography of this place confuses me, because after some thought it makes sense, but in the moment I always think I'm going backwards.

A little healthy violence clears the corridor for us. There's a room at the end of the hall. Wonder what's inside?

OK let's just make our way to the room with the question mark in it.

Well, fuck. Alright repeat above from whenever I last took a nap. Yes, including look at the wiggling sack of freak out.

Well, I lied. I got beat up cleaning out the corridor again. So Violence Man we need you!

 Skippy! Not only are you rude, but your spelling is terrible!
 Skippy, we are here for a reason. It's called you don't know how to use melee weapons.
 Violence Man's bullets are real enough.
 See above.
 Oh, a choice. Well I know the answer. We only come here when we take the drugs.
 Skippy, empirical evidence points to you hating this and me liking this.
 While it is easy, I come here because otherwise we're fucked. It's a necessity.
 You get used to Skippy after awhile.
 Wait, what about our bullets?
Not if we didn't get bullets it didn't!

 The violence worked this time!
 That's...not comforting.

Holy crap, progress!

Let's go visit Violence Man again.

 Wait...are you Skippy Sr?
 I'm with Skippy, because if you are Skippy Sr. I am so sorry.
You like my attitude? Yay!

 Continuing a little further.
Hope can't save you now.

For reference, the mirror in the corner is where we were. Which makes me sad because clearly there was an exit here, but it's gone now. I teleported back to the room which is why you don't see Skippy.

 Because now it's time for Experiments on Skippy's Digestive Tract.

 Violence Man, I'm invested in you.
 Wait, this feels familiar.
 Very familiar. I pick Option 3.
Violence Man isn't giving presents unless I'm out of ammo I guess. He is also a smart ass.
Next time: finish the basement and maybe Box Man?

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