Monday, March 25, 2013

Rain-Slick Precipice 3 Part 6: Your Temple is Bad and You Should Feel Bad

 So remember how I said we we're gonna handle theses guys? I lied.
 We're coming over here first.
 Here's what I meant about experience not being an issue. This is also good for figuring out what classes you like/raising them all up to the effective level cap of 40.
Oh yeah you sweeten that pig!
 Tier One is easy at this point.
Hey Jim let's see if it fits.
Considering what I have Jim doing that -70 magic is not happened. Sticking with the beaker.
This guy is the final part of Tier Two. He eats faces. Including mine. Yeah. Anyway enough grinding for now.
 Hey dude we're back.
 Dude we know its you.
 Aw come on there might be a loophole or something for you.
 Everything Tycho just said is completely logical and fair. Good job Tycho I knew you had it in you.
 There aren't many option. Come on buddy.
 Why would you want to skin a kitty?
 You, good sir, are a wimp.
 You put your temple underground. That's where we bury dead people. Is Man dead? Because if not, you are terrible at symbolism.
 Well you're dead. We'll put you in the temple-grave.
So it's really a temple to very large ants. SO BAD AT SYMBOLISM.
Judging by reused art assets, I'm guessing this isn't the painting I'm looking for.
 You look familiar.
 I'm sorry, what?
 It has a glowing weak point?
 That is not comforting and comforting at the same time.
Yeah you are bigger aren't you? When you finally kill him he drops a ton of XP.
 New toys!
So this is better than the Phason and I will be using it from here. I just like the Phason for its flavor and the fact it's in my favorite part of the game.
 He did win a Fancy Pants competition with those pants.
 Play your cards right and make that Tycho. He heals himself for free.
Yes those pants are indeed scary. Mostly because I'm not entirely certain how they work in the crotch region. Also that box you saw behind a demon? A) the demon is super easy and B) it's Talismints.
That "large stat boost" is indeed VERY LARGE and CAUSED MY DEATH ON THESE WIMPS. I didn't die to any Deeeep Crooooow but I die to six idiots with sticks.
And they guard a kinda crappy weapon.
 When you get to the second area head left to find a new box.
 A challenge!
Especially considering tall and lanky back there is full of the HP.
 Your academy was special.
 To the right past another demon is this.
A very very good thing for Jim!
What is it with this game and scorpions?
 Anyway the scorpions have an old friend: Tycho's FINAL POWER UP from last game.
And despite the min-maxing, nostalgia wins. That is a sweet magic boost.
This is apparently the cave underneath Wayne Manor. MONEY *confetti*
 Alright buddy, where's the painting?
Never mind. You apparently had your brain eaten by the Math Beast.
This is not the Math Beast. This is another DEEEEPEER CROOOOW. Also many levels are gained.
 What? What is this shiny?
 Well it was pretty.
Indeed. Next time: We see what's got Tycho's panties in a twist. And maybe some other things.