Monday, March 4, 2013

On the Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness 3 Part 3: Timey Wimey Spooky Kooky

 What was in that drink and where do I get some?
 You said that before.
 Opposite of Nether.
 Best windowsill ever.
 To the right is nothing to the left is SHINY
 I will have my coffin look like this.
Well that's rather morbid and mean.
 And that's just morbid.
 Cousin to Minecraft Steve who I will happily have a universe based off of.
 In this case they kinda are though.
 Whooo more power
 Confucian Ideal replaces Self Starter. Tycho can now heal himself for 0 MP. It's a favorite ability.
The next crystal has either aliens or Idiot Steve's three sisters.
 And what's behind door #3?
Some zeds and their master who is strangely resistant to holy. I don't understand types!
 Well now we have options.
 So what's over here?
 Can I catch that in a pokeball?
 Understatements from everyone.
So this is Hark House. You know if theres a guy who lives here why hasn't he done ANY sort of upkeep?
 Eh, they're not that great.
 Does it? Because all I see is a bunch of shit.
 Power Up!
 All of these sound fun!
This is a good idea. This time I didn't have much difficulty but I remember my first time I did and I can imagine this being no picnic on the higher difficulties.
Also this is the class set up I have now. This is going to be a bit of a new experience because while I did use the Apocalypt, Gardenar, and Dinosorcerer before, the only one that the same is giving Moira the Dinosorceror because I think its funny.
 And now I am crosseyed.
 And a bit eye stabby.
 Could you possibly be a bigger asshole?
 Gee thanks any solutions there Mr. Genius?
Here we see the wild living painting in its natural habitat.
Showing off the Dinosorceror. Moira is now a raptor. And it is the best. Also this is Tycho using his apocalypt ability. He will make a prophecy, a little book icon will appear on the bar, and eventually it will happen. You can add multiple effects to a prophecy if you have them available.
Purple Lie is Oh Each? What the hell kind of book is this?
 Look I'm known for having stacks of books on the floor, but I don't make a maze out of them.
Sadly the only fire ability this group has is Fire and Brimstone.
But is so worth it.
 You're in the way asshole!
Oh it's a party? Fine. I will kill you all in the name of loot!
Delicious Loot! It makes you start the battle with 1 MP.
 That is one dapper wolf.
 Are you not at all concerned by the fact they could be at the end of time!
 Oh they went backwards.
 Yeah we do!
 and now we are the awkardest.
 Hey look a monster in the exact same spot that it was for Tycho and Moira.
Only recolored and slightly more powerful. Thankfully we are not one but TWO powerhouses.
 The only ability I'm aware of on the Delusionist is You'll See. It's one of those "it'll get better the more you use it" abilities.
Gardening however is super fun. The gardens have effects that go on the timeline in this case healing or damage. Rake Slash is an attack that causes bleed.
Ooooh that makes much more sense.
That's a lot of bees.
They also have items in the same spot. Only a different one is here now.
 Hello there Mr. Ghost.
You are very dedicated. Too dedicated. Stop making me look bad!
Hey an item for Moira.
 Gabe, I'm not sure Tycho has your best interest at heart anymore.
He's got a really good jar now.
 Well that worked out incredibly well.
Yeah I'm doing all the hard time work for you. Now make a solution!
Well we have an attic full of art. Let's steal all of it!
Stop making me chest!
Hey lets beat the stupid raccoon in front of the loot.
Why did you have friends?
Teh gratest lootz evar.
But they quickly make up for it.
 That sounds like bad news.
 That isn't!
Welcome to the mini-boss of the area! You will need that extra MP.
 Old School? It's just French! Derrida and Barthes write in French and they aren't old school by any means! They're just confusing.
 I love you Moira.
 Ha Mr. Smartpants!
 Aw come on we wouldn't do that this early in the game.
 I love these guys. They're so happy.
Slightly less art but still totally stealable.
Sorry bit busy.
WOOOOO *money confetti*
nonononono needles bad.
 That is awesome!
Mini-boss Part 2: Punch Harder.
 Well he tried.
 Hooray successfully failing.
 Yes those pages and covers are nice.
 Oh now you care.
 Man I want to see this version.
 yay story time!
 But hey I know who to go to for a really good steak.
 Bad news. Bad news happens.
 Adventure for the Atari.
 uh huh...
 The Adventurer
 It's supposed to be a dragon.
 That's really kind of awesome. I want to kill with art!
 Oh let me try to finish it. "And in the shadows bind them-"
 aww but I was doing good.
I don't think that's a good thing.
Upping her magic power isn't bad at all. Consider that Dinosorceror is magic based.
 You're not good at pre-ass-kicking one-liners.
Mr. Tails? Mr. Tails I'm so sorry. Forgive me Mr. Tails. Forgive me.
 Leaving our dearly departed aside, what's up here?
 ooooh poop.
 Oh boy.
 Dammit lady, Gabriel isn't a bright bulb leave him be.
 She's not a unicorn...oh you meant the other definition.
 It's hard to tell with this asshole.
 Dammit Gabe Anne-Claire was right. You are adorable.
 We only killed them because the started it!
 Good plan!
 Okay then.
 1920s Batman is that you?
 Do you need a hug? Can I hug you?
We'll head there next time!

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