Monday, February 3, 2014

Earthbound Part 8: Call Upon the Lake Monster

 First things first, ditching this.
 I accidentally in exploring stumbled up here and found the best thing. Also that's the hint shop but fuck that.
 Well found the graveyard now where's this road?
 You fucker.
 We all learned a valuable lesson today. I WILL END YOU NO MATTER WHAT.
 MOOSE is all too happy to see his friend with the camera. INKY however is concerned about the fact he thought a graveyard in a town of zombies was a good place to take a picture.
 Oh bugs. They go down like chumps. Also douchebag isn't resistant to freeze.
 Thanks for the level douchebag! Offense went up by 1! Vitality went up by 1! Luck went up by 1! Maximum HP went up by 13! Maximum PP went up by 2!
 Woo! Maximum HP went up by 3! Maximum PP went up by 1! Meh.

 Oh there are ghosts. They are piss easy.
 Alright trash can, are you my friend?
 You are!
 I'd be a lot more concerned with using this if I wasn't oneshotting them.
 Oh hey I must be going the right way.
 What did you see zombie? Did you see your doom?
 Sadly we can't scooch around them.
 Well there are two interesting figures. Let's talk to the sensibly dressed one first.
 You continue to be sleaze in a suit.
 She ran inside.
 Excuse me, you look cold would you like us to find you a jacket?
 She ran further rin.
 At this point I notice the music is fucked up and the guy is gone.
 I'm dinner aren't I?
 Game over?
 I'm calling our friend who we've never met...TESLA! TESLA! We need your help! I am INKY and I am with another friend, MOOSE...We are trying to contact you...
 We are trying to contact you...If you hear me, please wake up and....head south! Only you, though far away can save us, TESLA...Please hear my call and begin heading south...TESLA! You are a friend who we've never met...But you are our one and only hope!...
 TESLA awakes, the voices in his head growing too loud, too urgent. He quietly gets up so as not to wake his friend.
 Confirming we are at school so why they called it a "boarding house" is beyond me. Also that distinctly puts us as older than MOOSE and INKY.
 Screw the rules, the voices in my head need me!
 Deciding to brush off his friends claims of faraway voices, considering that is the least weird thing happening recently, TESLA's friend agrees to help him or at least make sure he doesn't get himself murdered.
 Now  I feel the game made a tragic error as not only did Tony join us, but Tony's Dapper Little Hat did too.
 TESLA doesn't have PSI. TESLA doesn't need PSI. TESLA has SCIENCE! Judging from our wallet though SCIENCE ain't paying the bills like it used to.
 We also have these in our inventory already. 2 of them are useful.
 And this is a promise of usefulness.
 Ignoring the threat of rules, TESLA decides to shoot the shit with the others.
 Winters is an interesting country.
 Tony we've hit the jackpot.
 Oh, happy birthday early.
 Thanks for the tip.
 That's why we have the tall fence.
 Tony I hope you forgive me for stealing all these cookies.
 You must be Maxwell.
 No I already stole all the cookies.
 I'm the son of a famous guy?
 Oh that's how we got our name.
 SAY MY NAME!...I'm sorry I don't know what came over me.
 Oh good it's genetic.
 Ha. Ha. Ha. Punch. Punch. Punch.
 Bent key shouldn't really be a problem. I mean we can try and bend it back with our hands if need be.
 I hate you.
 A) you could just I dunno remake the key from a key machine B) WHY DIDN'T YOU SHARE THAT EARLIER.
 You just questioned my birth and now tell me to be positive? IS EVERYONE HERE CRAZY?
 My inventory is weird and I do not like it.
 Repeat several times.
 We get a nice hat!
 TESLA says range is awesome and doesn't have time to fuck around.
 Holy boost.
 And we get a future upgrade too!
 Tony now is not the time to praise Globbo the Lava Golem Under the Earth.
 Sure thing buddy. Might have been better for you if you waited until I was off your back until you started that convo, but I'll remember you.
 Well now what the fuck do I do?
 Seems promising.
 I wanted to compare this to Ness's dad. But that last line is so creepy I lost all thoughts.
 Someday equipment. Someday.
 TESLA is above hacking ATMs for money sadly.
 I will happily have a pet monkey.
 Sorry Tony, PET MONKEY.
 Despite not having psychic powers, TESLA SPEAKS MONKEY.
 Best dollar ever spent.
 Hey enemies from Onett.
 Holy crap.
 Offense went up by 1! Maximum HP went up by 2!
 Oh nice tent.
 I noticed.
 That sounds nice. And it is nice. It is a full heal.
 Well hell let's get some more XP while we're here.
 Dogs have a small chance of dropping these!
 This is the big enemy of the area.
 They can attack for a lot of damage, take half damage compared to others, but dish out 20XP.
 Offense went up by 1! Defense went up by 1! Speed went up by 1! IQ went up by 1! Maximum HP went up by 3!
 Goats can drop these. They go well with that egg we have.
 Offense went up by 2! Defense went up by 1! Speed went up by 1! Guts went up by 2! IQ went up by 1! Luck went up by 1! Maximum HP went up by 2!
 Still satisfying.
 There are bubberflies in this area. Sadly we can't make friends with them now.
 This games hit detection continues to baffle me.
 If you can get the goat to keep spawning here, this is a pretty sweet deal.
 Vitality went up by 1! IQ went up by 1! Maximum HP went up by 8!
 We're now auto winning the dogs.
 IQ went up by 1! Maximum HP went up by 2!
 I know feel secure in going forward.
 You're an idiot.
 Sure, you'll just have to share it with everyone else here.
 This monkey does, wanna watch him do a trick?
 The stew is so delicious we immediately fall into food coma.
 Head south...I am INKY...If you hear this message go to the south...
 The head-voices waking him up far too fucking early, TESLA decides to be productive.
 It's one use only of course.
 Winds and ripples. There may be something here after all.
 TESLA is then weirded out and wonders what was in that stew to make him see a man in a top hat fly out of the sky.
 TESLA's life has taken a turn for the most amazing thing ever
 Holy shit we're riding a lake monster and she's friendly and we have a pet monkey and a gun. This is the best. FUCK YEAH TESSIE! FUCK YEAH!
 Good bye sweet Tessie. I'll never forget you.
 Well a hardy fuck you back at ya.
 Dungeon have fees?
 Oh. Thank you.
 Oh hey it's these guys.
 This is a simple maze full of goodies.
 What. What is that.
 Oh my gosh. It's a ducky.
 It breeds.
 Offense went up by 2! Defense went up by 1! Speed went up by 1! Guts went up by 1! IQ went up by 1! Maximum HP went up by 2!
 Well I wonder what this will be?
 TESLA wondering how long whatever was in that stew is going to lost.
 Best refund. Best dungeon.

 And a save!
 Oh. Hello.
 Oh. I love your work.
 You chase that dream!
 I want to hug you.
 Another cave?
 LOL LOL. Offense went up by 2! Defense went up by 2! Vitality went up by 1! IQ went up by 1! Oh, baby! Luck went up by 3! Maximum HP went up by 11!
 I leave it here. It'll be a surprise for later.
 Oh hey it's our old buddy free xp, I mean attack slug.
 Guts went up by 1! IQ went up by 1! Maximum HP went up by 1!
 Speed went up by 1! IQ went up by 1! Maximum HP went up by 3!
 Oh sweet defense how I needed you.
 Oh sweet weaponry.
 Thanks buddy!
 Hmm, I wonder.
 Outside yay!
 Our monkey leaves us and there are giant cave men out. RUN.
 There's only one of me?
 What do you know, the center of stonehenge is a dungeon. A dungeon with strange music that I am not soloing.
 Hey the lab!
 Actually yes and no...
 Yeah. Hi dad.
 This explains why I don't remember you at all and definitely puts TESLA in the teenage range.

 I love donuts!
 I'm pretty certain death is in the middle.
 Well ya see...
 Thanks dad!
 Sounds pimp though.
 Are...are you already kicking me out? But...Dad...
 I'm going to look around.
 Ooh nice.
...Thanks Maxwell...
Next time: Return to Threed.

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