Monday, December 31, 2012

On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Part 4: Who Doesn't Want to Punch a God?

 We last left our intrepid heroes in a factory of hobos and robots.
There is an abundance of spare parts lying around. It's a robot factory after all.
Dammit T. Kemper you didn't kill the creepy.
Hey what's this doohickey?
 Alright seems simple enough.
 The stamp is made of lies.
 The only proper reaction to this.
 Using the stamper also nets you this.
 Hey guy, there's this coyote in apartment 2. Also you're clearly evil so I'm going to hit you with my rake now.
 Yes, I kinda figured that one out.
 Gabe wants a turn!
 Yeah about that...
 There really is no option here.
 No but we can be the jury and executioner.
 Best plan!
 Hobo minions. He has hobo minions. This really isn't that big a deal. Kill the minions and he'll start attacking himself for some time.
He has two attacks when he decides to handle matters himself. He will either hit you with the sack of hobos or his hair. After a bit of this he gets more minions. Lather, rinse, repeat and eventually...
 aww poor hobo.
 guy this seems unnecessary.
 Hell no!
 Throw it on the ground?
 I would say burn it but I don't know where it's been, what's on it, and burning hair stinks.
Double Progress all the way!
 Hey, I'm missing bits.
Oh here they are. Anyway, progress!
 Wait, I need to dump some shitty meat on this guy first.
 Please take it.
 You, sir, are dumber than rocks, and right now I'm thankful for that.
 Hey Anne-Claire!
 At least you have a house!
 Indeed it is.
 So the humping isn't natural?
 Make it pretty!
 Because pretty!
 Ha-ha pretty robot
 You are here.
 New Friend!
 Yeah I have a switch for a thingy that makes Tycho happy.
 Science is the best.
 That sounds kinda awesome actually.
 We do what we must.
 Holy crap that is awesome!
Thank you.
The Madam Zedora will need one of each token.
 I think Tycho knows what he's doing.
 Give me life, ere the break of dawn~
 Yeah that just sounds depressing.
 Sure thing.
 Really now? And you set how many of these got possessed?
 Yeah I got that too. What do Mr. Expert?
 She's got a ruined eye that always open~
Suddenly, Clowns! Yeah they weren't there before.
They serve as test subjects for Fuchsia. What an adorable explosion.
I'm gonna say yes. This guy's laugh is easily the most annoying sound in the game.
Tycho seems pretty ok with his new fate
 Sure, Tycho.
 This is the giddiest he's ever been.
 Well I can try.
 Gabe is unamused.
 You secretly like this don't you? You're fucked up.
 Tycho looks affronted by my accusation.
 Sure you do.
You mean the one we already butchered and got an instrument from? Oh dear, I see where this is going.
 Oh hey another one, dull surprise.
Holy shit Fuchsia!
 Well there are worse instruments. Also I call dibs, this seems less gross than the mouth harp.
Yeah, don't look into the future anytime soon.
I don't think they care.
 I was right to call dibs on the spoons.
 No, we will not play Freebird.
 Sounds like my music collection.
So we're gonna be an underground hit?
 Does she have feet?
 We somehow got a record deal!
 She's as addicted to tokens as Ticketer Prime.
 I think that's a good thing.
 Well I'm all for free stuff.
 Yog Sethis, Ia! Ia! Maldon Umbruthia. It's not that hard to read.
 Well I haven't exploded or gone into a nether portal so I'll say it could be worse.
 No more money for you foul creature.
 Eh, why not?
 That's not good.
And I think I see a flying mime.
Yep that's a flying mime. With no discernible weakness.
I like the flying mimes. They explode when they die. It's pretty.
More parts!
 Suddenly Cutscene
 Is that Mimethulu?
 It is Mimethulu!
 Oh hey a new clue. I think that's an eye.
 I'm ready!
Oh dear.
 Anne-Claire we need help.
 Considering how tall it is, yeah.
 Thank you, Anne-Claire.
 Start talking sense and not gibberish, or I'll start talking Derrida to you.
 Go sit in the corner while I handle it.
 Have fun!
 Go back in your corner!
 I am partial to three but I have a desire to know 1. I have two more games with him.
 Tycho, A) You interrupted, B) Can you tell me the poet? and C) The quote is "English, motherfucker, do you speak it?" Get your references right.
 Oh dear.
 Narrator guy said that in the beginning! And it says we be fucked.
 You ruin everything.
 Our band is best band.
 Aww, but I just started the A Clash of Kings.
 You sound bitter.
 Or be my sanity check?
 Dammit Tycho science is fun! Go read about astronomy that is so cool.
 Pure matter? Oh. Oh dear.
 Oh dear I know what that fits.
 You won't like it.
 Anything is better than nothing.
 I'll make the coffee.
 Wait what?
 What is that?
 I'm not sure if that's a good thing.
 Someone's about to have a bad day.
 Hey I know where that is!
 Hmm. Let me think a bit.
 Hmmm...Oh! Yes!
 Yeah that doesn't happen everyday.
 Oh. That's logical.
 A lot of bitterness in this room.
 Well duh.
 Need more bits.
We need it now.
Step away from the Fortune Teller.
And give me those stairs!
 Yay more free shit
 What'd it say?
 Madame Zedora has sass.
 Suddenly, cutscene. Awful lot of these lately.
 Battle screech!
 Punch punch punch
 Tycho is just used to this.
 And now we are shocked. Shocked we say.
 Has this happened before?
Well we have the important thing.
Well that's all the invisible shit.
 Hey how does he fit the stairs in his pocket?
 But I'm not a mime what use do I have for invisible things?
 How the fuck does that work?
You know what? I'll take that and not think very hard about it.
 Hey you've done some...things since I've been gone.
 Now ask me if I care.
 Oh I love show and tell.
Yes, yes I do.
Well he's hardy sure but nothing Gabe can't handle.
Fuchsia is made of explodium.
Max levels!
 Completely Expected Cutscene.
 Smile, bitch.
 Not sure if want.
 They certainly don't.
Stealing souls without batting an eye.
 I'm sorry Gabe.
 Wash your hands afterward.
 heh, it was funny.
 I can see her gears turning.
 I like this plan!
 You should be more positive Tycho.
 Get it away from me.
 I'm not entirely sure I want the rake back.
Thank you.
 Found them! Finally.
Alright, now we can kill god.
ooooh right he's really tall
Whatever. Swat, punch, shoot.
Eventually we knock his legs out. Arms and head remain. There really is no weakness. Just brute strength.
Evenutally Mimethulu is just a head.
 Finish him! Together!
Look! Fireworks for the New Year! How nice of Mimethulu!
Why are we running?
 Well that's neat. We killed a god!
 Ow my eyes!
 Oh right, we haven't solved you yet.
 Next time, robot, next time.
So good thing? Bad thing? No answers thing?
And that is that. I still have the best band name.
Next time we'll begin Episode 2. And see if I was smart enough to sleep on Anne-Claire's floor.