Monday, December 17, 2012

On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Part 2: I Think There's Something in the Water Here

 It looks so peaceful from out here.
 So remember how the shadows on the models were rather sharp and obnoxious in the last post?
Turns out I forgot to put the graphics on high. Whoops. Anyway with that fixed, we can continue.

 Popular demand was for Pelican Bay.
Some kids just want to be a dark wizard when they grow up.

Good sir! You appear to be in control of the entrance and have a gear that I may find useful.

 Ticketer Prime is online. All systems nominal.
 What did this man sense in Gabe? A kinship of punching? A fear of robots?
 So meeting each other at the dollar store irreversibly links people?
 You need more dots in Subterfuge or Dominate.
 Now that I believe.
 Cucumbers. Definitely cucumbers.
 And why do you hate fresh produce?
 I want it!
 Hi secret item!
 Is that right by Richistan?
 That's not expensive. At all. I'm starting to suspect you don't know what words mean.
 Oh. Motivation.
 They're fun!
Try me.
 That's a lot of tokens.
 How many zeroes is that?
 I'm starting to suspect you don't know numbers.
 Really now? This "busy" place.

 Marcel Duchamp did not make this. I think it's just garbage.
 Well, that's not happening.
 So in order to get tokens, we need to get in.
 Nothing is simple. Ever.
Yes. Yes that's the problem I'm having and not that everyone in this town is crazy.
So back to Hobo Alley it is. Hey our friend appears to be cowering.
 Gabe, be nice.
 Hi James!
 Sorry, continue.
I'm starting to think Tycho was more right than we know.
 That clearly is a garbage can with teeth.
 I'm with you!
 I'm glad you like it?
 Please say money.
 I guess that's kinda like money?
 Only a little. I was hoping you'd show me more goodies to loot.
Loot is awesome.
 Well I suppose that's all for now.
Good to know such honor still exists.

Our first garbage can is right over here.
They always raise their defense. It's rather annoying really.

The trash has recruited the hobos into the fight!
Dammit T. Kemper.
Trash is weak to special attacks. Which is good as hobos are weak to firearms, but resistant to fists so having Gabe do this is an effective use of everyone.

 Yay levels!
 A new item. We can't use it in battle.
The trash count down continues.

 Good sir, what a fine establishment you have over here.
 Er... I take that back.
 By the cheap rent. And giant robot.
 Besides being a good source of XP.
 Hoboism is a disease? I thought it was just what happened after you're homeless for awhile.
 Hobos are like the Hulk?
 Nobody knows when I'm mocking them. This is glorious!
 Really? Nowhere else? At all?
 I'm with my little avatar here.
 Why are we offering?
Why yes I do!
 yum yum?
 Please take it, it stinks.
 The only difference between your meat and my meat is ink!
 No point in trying to trick him.
 I highly doubt you'll be helpful.
 Aware, Tycho. Let's head out.
 Hey, more art!

More robots for the scrap heap!

Well we have a problem. You have a giant wind up key I want. And you want to eat me. So clearly the only solution is your death.
It's like a cult for keys!
How did I put this in my pocket?

To the left I find the dreaded trash/robot team up. Ankle biters unite!
The countdown continues.
Dammit T. Kemper.

Power Up!

 Hey you look like you have a nice setup over there.
 You're a doctor? Is that an MD or a PhD?
 I don't mean to question your methods but... yeah that's weird.
 Well at least he's polite.


Here's the last of the trash.

Anne-Claire why do you have a flame thrower?

Hooray victory!

 Beating trash is fun!
 He's like a puppy!
 I bet its still good enough for Ticketer Prime.
 Hello sound of my nightmares.
 Why aren't we running!?
So you may have noticed we were by the Shithole before. It's locked.

 Well I killed living trash I guess that's successful.
 Oh it wasn't that bad.
 That is indeed very odd considering, you know, magic bolt.
 I'm not sure which of those options I like better.
 Can I just live here?
 Seriously, just let me crash on your floor!
 Science will always suffice. SCIENCE!
 Mmmm, rake first then gun. A gun at least is an actual weapon.
 Oh good.
 Not what I had in mind, but if you have a suitable replacement...
 Hooray progress!
 Soon Tycho, soon.
 Yeah I'll be right back.
 A very big present.

 This unit does not have a soul.
 Sure, buddy, sure.
 That's the ticket.
 Here you go.
 It's soooo neat.
 Wait, what?
 Gee, really.
 So in total I need 4 tokens of each color.
 Please stop.
 Wait a minute we're questioning the gear but not the key? The hell is wrong with all of you.
 My grandma gave me all the wrong etiquette books.
 Yes, I want to know if I can help.
 Some is making really bad steampunk?
 I think Anne-Claire's heard this thesis too many times.
 That's not good.
 Why? Why I can't I escape from there.
 You want me to catch one of those? Yeah not happening while they're humping my leg.
 Do I really have to?
 Well I can't go there!
Thanks, I guess.
In an alley I find more art!

 Doctor, what are you doing out of the lab?
 Look I'm sure they're coming.
 That explains things.
Yeaaahhh, don't hold your breath.
 Is Meat Man in on this?
 I don't know I don't care don't touch me
 Why? Why do you want this?
 I fail to see what's complicated here.
Gabe is so happy he gets to do his job.
 Power Nine?
 Oh. Well it has a monkey on it and looks to be silver so if nothing else I can pawn it.
 No it isn't, people pee on ferris wheels all the time.
 I try not to.
 But...but I wanted it.
You deserve that pun!
Anyway there are 15 hobos all over the alley.
Ha! I'm getting more use out of my degree! I made a blog! Lit majors FTW!
During our excursions, Gabe Powers Up!
Side Quest Complete.
 Loot for the loot gods!
 Not nearly enough.
 I suppose I can lie for the sake of progress.
 Dull surprise.
 Gee. Thanks.
At this point I teleported to Anne-Claire. She had nothing more to add. And thus concludes this part. Next time: The potential beating of mimes and carnival games!

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